In-person Events

If a registration fee was paid,We’re sorry, but last-minute cancellations (less than Week from the scheduled event start time) or no-shows are ineligible for refunds. At any time, you are welcome to send an alternate to the event in your place. Advance notice is preferred.

Maitri Foundation may, at its sole discretion, choose to cancel an event due to low attendance or other unforeseen circumstances. In this case, we will notify you via the listed email address and/or telephone number provided at registration. Maitri Foundation will refund all registration fees.

Maitri Foundation reserves the right to substitute alternative presenters due to unanticipated situations.

We do not Refund once the tickets are bought. If you request for refund under strong medical reasons. We refund 50% ticket value. But we need proof of Medical reasons.

Under other circumstances we don’t refund or cancel.

Vendor once signed up for the stall on our website can cancel the deal under special cases. We will refund 80% on the special cases. 50% refund on normal cases.

We also require HACCP license and there will be hidden charges as asked by venue if necessary at time to time.

There is no cancellation policy after you sign up stall.




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